Use Your Dental Benefits Before It’s Too Late!
Dental insurance policies provide our patients with the dental care they need, but did you know that you must use your dental benefits before the year expires? The benefits from these dental plans often reset at the end of the calendar year, so make sure you’ve used all your benefits before the year is over. If you have benefits left, now would be a good time to use them!

Dental Insurance Benefits
Did you know that you could actually save hundreds of dollars by using your dental benefits before the end of the year? This is a fact that many people simply do not know. While some dental insurance plans run on a fiscal year, many others run on a traditional calendar year. Your dental benefits could be running out anytime from September to December, so checking with your provider can help you know when to schedule your next appointment. Here are some more reasons why you should make a dental appointment today.
Dental Benefit Plans
Many people with dental benefits get them through their employers, though Valley Dental has other financial options such as a Dental Savings Plan & Care Credit. When you buy a plan you and your employer are paying the premium amount of dollars that could be wasted if you don’t see your dentist before the benefits are expired.
Dental Benefits Deadlines
Many insurance companies have a benefit deadline of December 31, so unused benefits won’t roll over into the New Year for most dental plans. Some plans also end at different times of the year, so you need to check your plan document or ask your employer to be sure. Valley Dental Care will also assist you in any way we can to find the answers you need regarding your dental plan.
If you need a particular treatment, such as a filling, crown, implant, or bridge, this is the perfect procedure to use your benefits for. Depending on what dental benefits you have left, you might be able to get a majority of the procedure paid for, or at least only have to pay a small portion of the costs.
If your remaining benefits cover only part of a procedure you need, you might have some work done before the year’s end and delay the rest of the work until next year when your benefits reset. It’s not always possible to split a procedure into two phases, but sometimes a dentist can do work in stages.
Schedule Your Next Dental Visit!
Schedule a Dental Exam today before your benefits run out! Have an existing dental condition that you know you should take care of? Call us today at (915) 598-7264, or send us a message from our Contact Us page. Our staff can help you with any questions regarding dental insurance, treatment, and financial options available.